My US-remote job views international remote work with fear and suspicion.

I'm a mid-career tech-worker who's very interested in working remotely internationally but I can't find good companies or any kind of ecosystem of companies that would be okay with that. If I wanted to move to Roatan or some country...there's maybe a handful of companies I could work for or...start a youtube channel? Maybe sometime kind of consulting.

Long and short, if you've got a typical career then very few employers are willing to offer internationally remote work, which means I would need to dramatically restructure my own career.

If you know of any job board or company that could help with this, please let me know.

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Yeah, absolutely. One of the minor insanities of a purportedly globalized world is that even jobs that allow for remote work often require you to remain within national boundaries for tax compliance purposes and the like.

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Being in a 4,000 grey-tribe village sounds rather dull, actually. Aren't you a fan of economies of scale?

You should try and come to Mexico City, it's very expat friendly. I recently came back from Moscow, where we ultimately weren't able to meet (we exchanged a couple DMs on Twitter, before I deleted my account), so we might as well have a chat over here. I can set you up with the local ACX community, we have regular meet-ups.

Funnily enough, I have been dabbling in Russian since my Moscow days. I am trying to learn some more of it for whenever Russia goes back to being a normal country and they need someone to staff the Moscow office of X Western financial institution. It's presumably going to take a while, so I should be a decent speaker by the time Putinism croaks.

Russians don't tend to struggle a lot with Spanish, their pronunciation is surprisingly good, in my experience (much superior to standard Anglo attempts). You should be fine on that front.

Great to have you blogging again, but don't OD on this particular meme. Prospera et al are very obviously long-shots.

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Lose weight, fat boy.

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I find it odd how you, like so many immortalists, ignore the obvious truth, that the easiest low hanging fruit of maximizing health, muscle, fitness, and mind ( intelligence ) is in how you TRAIN the mind. this is not exclusive to biological congenital manipulation like gene therapy, but it's not exclusive OF it. it's both. this is part of why bryan johnson is so popular. it's not only about what passive therapies you can pull off, but also what active therapies you embrace. Hearing about aubrey de grey being privately an alcohol lush shows me a mindset of those who don't walk the walk, but just talk the talk. At least he enjoys his alcohol, why don't you enjoy engaging with discourse on 'schooling' mind training or ,god forbid we use the mind-destroying described social entrainment of , 'education'.

I'm not telling you to start a boring blog post on waldorf schooling or asimov's autodidactism, or yet another hallelujah posting on how AI will help people learn everything in the near future, but at least a treatement on the discourse of intelligence and the mind. perhaps it is because this is all taken for granted. i get that. and yet, at the very least, one can begin a discourse on how our training 'breeds a culture (no pun intended)' at a young age of cousin marraige, or other dysgenic practices. culture is everything and you're building a new one , it's too large to ignore all connected subjects, and everything connects through early childhood exposure environments. funny how so few parents are at prospera with their kids, but i hear that even that is starting to change! well done anatoly.

if you have to ask why i'm not moving to prospera ,it's because there's no religion and i don't have kids to indoctrinate yet. but i would if there was perhaps.

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How are you getting money to keep travelling? Is it not expensive?

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Interesting, as a 53 year old, I easily get tired of check-in/check-out process and the unpredictability of the experience. Still it makes sense to invest and settle in a place where politics are not turning hysterical to mask unsustainable policies.

I wrote about Prospera in french (https://economiepublique.blogspot.com/2023/04/villes-libres-privees-selon-titus-gebel.html) and might translate that on substack later. I am happy to hear it is still up and running, though the socialist gov of Honduras is after it.

Notes: Zuzalu is linked to ETH founder (https://www.palladiummag.com/2023/10/06/why-i-built-zuzalu/), Praxis (https://www.cityofpraxis.com/writing/faith-in-the-frontier).

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You are doing an excellent job traveling throughout space. You might think about journeying in time. I recommend for you the book Teen2.0 by Robert Epstein. I’m 86 and loving it.

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